Hawker Headlines

Spring 2024 Edition

Quick Tips!

HAWKER® and ODYSSEY® batteries are both AGM batteries!
In fact, their care and maintenance are the same.
Want to see the latest EnerSys® Technical Manual for these batteries?
Go to: hawkerbattery.com/resources/
To view or download the ODYSSEY® Battery AGM2 Technical Manual.

Answer to question from last issue:

Is it necessary to apply a treatment to Hawker® battery terminals?

Under normal operating conditions, NO, NO, NO! Normally, battery terminal corrosion occurs because electrolyte comes in contact with a battery’s lead terminals, thereby forming lead-sulfate. Initially, lead-sulfate corrosion typically appears as a white or grayish powdery substance, but over time will appear as a solid, crusty formation. This corrosion can occur if the battery is overfilled, there is electrolyte leakage, or the battery off-gasses. Since Hawker® AGM batteries are sealed and virtually don’t off-gas (very nominally), as well as the fact the Hawker® battery terminals are made from stainless-steel (coated with tin), the terminals should not exhibit lead-sulfate corrosion. That said, in certain extreme conditions, such as continuous exposure to air containing a salt mist, galvanic (not lead-sulfate) corrosion may occur. Galvanic corrosion on a lead-acid battery typically appears as a powdery greenish or bluish substance. If galvanic terminal corrosion is noted, clean the battery’s terminals and the equipment’s terminal connectors with a wire brush (removing all corrosion), then wipe away any remaining traces with a damp rag. After all components have dried, reconnect the terminal connectors to the battery. Then, apply the following approved coating to the battery’s terminals & connectors: NO-OX-ID A (Product Code 5000-N), by Sanchem® Inc. It’s recommended that you not use any other treatment, as they haven’t been tested by EnerSys®.

Did you know?

that EnerSys® manufactures both Hawker® and ODYSSEY® branded batteries???
Well, we do! In fact, EnerSys® manufacturers many different brands and types of batteries…as well as batteries of different chemistries. EnerSys® is trusted to power everything from nuclear submarines to satellites! Even implantable batteries used in the medical field! Want to see what we can do for you, visit enersys.com.


Get free Battery Maintenance and Recovery Training On-site…at your location!!! Call your Hawker® battery Field Support Representative (FSR) at 877.485.1472